Sequoia Nationalpark
I am happy to announce that we finally made a trip to the Sequoia National Park. It wasn’t easy to plan, especially for Stefan who wanted to take a few days off, but we finally made it. But we have to admit that our great neighbors put a lot of planning (and driving) ahead of us.
So together we headed to Sequoia and already the way through this part of California is impressive. The landscape changes so often and it got hotter and hotter. It took us about 4 hours and we started directly with a trail named Congress trail through a part of Sequoia where you can admire the biggest trees in the world.
These giant redwoods are so impressive, I can’t put it into words. And I have definitely never felt so much humility towards our nature.
We finished our first trail with a photo in front of the general Sherman, the biggest tree in the world. I also want to mention, that the temperatures dropped about 20 degrees Fahrenheit in the woods. So it was a very convenient hike an we were protected from the redwoods.
It was a big difference when we reached Visalia, a city 1,5 hours away from Sequoia Nationalpark. By 8:30 pm it was still around 100 degrees Fahrenheit. We stayed overnight in Visalia and had a late dinner nearby. That was quite a difference compared to Los Angeles.
You definitely have to think about the opening hours from the restaurants in this area. Many restaurants closes between 8 and 9pm, so it was not so easy to find one.

Tokopah Falls and Moro Rock
For our next day we planned to do the Tokopah Falls and Moro Rock trail. The started with the Tokopah Falls trail, and it was interesting how different it was in comparison to the congress trail. The trail startet very moderated and was 3,8 miles long. And when we almost reached the waterfall we had a mind-blowing view over the valley.
This was also the part where the trail turned more adventurous. It was definitely out of my comfort zone to climb over rocks or walk on hands and feet to get closer to the waterfall. My knees were shaking and was very thankful, that Stefan and I just started to go climbing. We had a lunch at the waterfall and made our way down to the pool, in the end of the waterfall. The guys just jumped into the cold water while Grace and I were resting at the edge and just put our feet into the pool.
On our way back I was proud of myself that I did this trail till the end. Our next planned trail was Moro Rock. It was a very dusty trails through an area where it has been burned recently. Also completely different than the other trails but also beautiful.
We last obstacle was the way to the top of Moro Rock. So many stairs between us and a view over this whole valley. My thighs were burning, but it was it worth. The view was amazing and it was so quiet on the top that it just made you feel you are on the top of the world.
Exhausted and dirty but also happy we had a great dinner at Ol‘ Buckaroo in Three Rivers (it’s not so easy to find good restaurants in this area).

Way back to Los Angeles
The next day we were already on our way back to Los Angeles. This time we took a different route and drove along many beautiful vineyards and stopped for a wine tasting at Sunstone. After that we drove towards Solvang, a small town that looks exactly like a Dutch town. But before we discovered Solvang, we stopped at the ostrich farm 5 minutes from town. This was a very fun experience. We bought food at the store on the farm and fed the ostriches and emus. I have to admit that the ostriches are very impressive, but also a little scary. They were not in the mood to share the food and bit each other to scare the others away.
After we all got rid of the food, we went to Solvang City and strolled through the streets and small stores. It was so strange walking through a European city in California. We bought some sweets at a bakery and walked back to the car. It was almost evening and we planned to have dinner in Santa Barbara. What a beautiful city, we only saw a small part but what we saw made us want to see more of it. A trip to Santa Barbara is definitely on our bucket list.
We enjoyed a fantastic dinner at an Italian restaurant. Tired, but very happy and relaxed, we arrived home around 11pm. It was only a short trip of about 3 days, but we had a blast.